As our politicians strive to hide their motives from the American people there have been old words that have been replaced with newer, more deceptive words. The two foremost words used by the left to hide their agenda are the words, “revenues” and “investing.” These two words are newspeak for “higher taxes” and “more spending.”
The real beauty of these words is how good they sound. Doesn’t everyone want higher revenues? Revenues are a good thing right? All that politicians mean when they say revenues is higher taxes; they just switch the phrasing from, “we’re going to tax your income” into, “the government is going to bring in more revenue.” It’s the same thing. But it is much more positive to look on the side of the government getting “higher revenues” than the government taking your money.
Now let’s talk about “investing.” What politicians want you to think we are investing in are roads, bridges, police, and education. This is all that the left ever talks about when they argue for more “investing.” In general this is not controversial spending; we have come to expect that roads, bridges, police, and education should be largely funded by tax dollars (for better or for worse). These are the most uncontroversial things government “invests” in. The fact is that liberals just talk about “investing” in roads, bridges, police, and education as a blanket excuse for spending money on whatever they want to. The problem is that we are “investing” so much money in entitlements that there is literally almost nothing left over for roads, bridges, police, and education. That means everything we spend on top of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security is put on the national credit card. But since we as a nation will not vote for anyone that is actually willing to make any hard choices, we just charge our grandchildren for our extravagance. It’s ok though, we can just tell them our “investments” didn’t turn out and all we were left with was massive debt, I’m sure they’ll understand.
The fact is that all democrats are tax and spend big government liberals. They really do think that they can spend your money better than you can. They are control freaks. They just will never say they are in favor of big government, higher taxes, or increased spending; instead they will say they are in favor of smart government, more revenues, and more investments. It’s all the same thing, but doesn’t the second line sound nice?
The last paragraph is very good vs. evil and absolutist.